Tuesday, May 9, 2017


So here is it.  My first blog on my first blogspot.

I want to first say THANK YOU for taking the time to check out this post and blog.  I've been saying for a while now that I'm going to start a blog about my experiences in the comic industry.  When I said that to a few people, they thought automatically it was going to be a "roast".  Well it's not..lol.

I've been very luck over the past 10 years to be able to work in an industry where I can work from home and do what I love to do.  Create comics.  Art.  And of course get out and travel the country going from convention to convention.  But I'll tell you, all the freedom to do what YOU want to do and what YOU love to do can come with a price.  Both physically and mentally.

Just over 10 years ago before I broke into the industry, I never thought I'd get as far as I did.  I was just another artist looking to break into comics.  I didn't really know how and there wasn't a book on how to do it either.  Back then (I make it sound like 50 years ago..lol), Myspace was the place to go for social networking.  Facebook was just getting started (2004).  That's when I started posting my art on Myspace which I've heard a lot of artist were doing to get noticed.  So I did the same thing in hoping to get "found".  MANY years of posting on Myspace, it finally happened.  After I posted my first couple of colored pieces on my page, I was asked in late 2006 early 2007 to work on a comic from cover to cover.  I said YES!  The gentleman who discovered me is Darren Sanchez from After Hours Press (which is still around today).  Where people think I'm crazy is this next part.  How much did I get paid?  Well I said YES to NOT getting paid and doing the book and covers FREE.  What Darren did give me were comps of the books and a table at my first Convention I ever attended as a professional...Wizard World Chicago (2007).  But I knew with having a comic I worked on, physically in my hand, it would be easier to talk to editors and other creators who are looking for colorists. And it worked.

So there ya have it.  The beginning of my NEW career.

That first book I worked on is called Foxwood Falcons.  At the show I was sitting with Darren (creator/writer) and Matthew Tow (illustrator).  Together we were signing and having a great time.

From that point on, I told myself, "this is what I want to do with the rest of my life".

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